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picture of XHTML/XML web site


In this class, the site was created entirely using code for both the XHTML and CSS. This was my first experience with XHTML and CSS. I was surprised, and happy to find that XHTML cleared up issues I had with just plain HTML – the closing of tags – ( I come from a print background, and did some typesetting when it was using machines that produced tapes that went into a machine that output the type – we used something called bell codes when we changed from one type style to another, at the beginning and end of the type.) I soon discovered that CSS was extremely useful, as you no longer had to do the coding inside of the HTML tags, which was tedious at best, and when you need to change something like a font color, you had to go through the entire document to do it. With CSS you only needed to do this in one place, and it did it globally for you.


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